Lesley Riddihough, Artist in Andalusia

Born in the UK in 1943, Lesley remembers being interested in art and artistic endeavours from an early age. At school she remembers wanting to study art after completing High School, and she did, being admitted to the Birmingham College of Art for a three year program of study.

Soon after leaving college, Lesley found herself in demand in Paris by Lanvin, at the time one of the most influential fashion houses in France, if not the world. Lesley enjoyed her time modelling, and it was here that she became mother to two young girls.

By 1969, Lesley and her daughters longed for a quieter and more relaxing life, and the Balearic Islands beckoned. It was here that Lesley developed her talent for clothes design, opening a specialty boutique on Formentura.

The early 1980s, and a move to Ibiza, allowed Lesley to finally return to art, her passion since a child, but never indulged, and through the next few years exhibits in Ibiza, Formentura, England, and even Germany were common events.

We are fortunate here in the Serranía that Lesley visited and then fell madly in love with Gaucín on a trip in 2005, prompting an immediate move, and some of Lesley’s best works in the tranquility of Gaucín’s campo.

Since moving to the Serranía, Lesley has exhibited in Gaucín, in Ronda, and at several local hotels, and the first Sunday of every month will often find her in Plaza Duquesa de Parcent with her best pieces for sale to enthusiastic buyers.

Contact Lesley Riddihough

Lesley can be contacted for private commissions. Her paintings vary in size from about (90 x 65cm) to (116 x 81cm). She also has several small detail paintings of (20×20) for sale at the Andalucía Soap Company Shop in Ronda.

Would you like to purchase one of Lesley’s pieces? Lesley is a regular exhibitor in Ronda’s monthly Artesanía market held the first sunday of every month. She can be contacted on (+34) 952 117 152

Gallery of Lesley’s Paintings

To display larger images, click the thumbnail

Arunda Data Recovery Services

Ronda Hard Disk Repair

We are lucky in Ronda and the Serranía, to have the expert services of Arunda Data Recovery (ADR), a consultancy that is in most cases able to retrieve important data from failed computer hard drives, portable devices such as iPods, and USB pen drives.

With over 50 years combined experience in the computer industry, the team at ADR are very familiar with most problems their clients will encounter, and have solutions for most. From restoring family photo albums when a computer dies, to recovering important financial documents and accounting files, or retrieving personal documents in Word or Excel format.

Arunda Data Recovery use combinations of specialist equipment, some of it similar to the tools used by police and intelligence services, in addition to some repair of hard drives, to get your data off the old drive, and onto a new drive and in turn back onto your computer so that you can use it.

Working closely with several local computer retailers in Ronda and on the coast, Arunda Data Recovery have proved their abilities time and again, and are now able to offer their service direct to the public, although if your computer hard drive is still within it’s warranty period they recommend checking with your retailer first to see what can be done.

The procedure for recovering your data is simple, call ADR and tell them what happened. They’ll tell you right there on the phone how to proceed. Once the hard drive can be inspected a quote to retrieve the data is prepared, and on your agreement, your data is extracted and placed onto a second hard drive or DVD according to your needs.

ADR can also build custom computers for select clients, specifically when a computer is required to perform some specialist task that a retailer might find difficult to source. To contact the team at ADR, phone or email them, their contact details are below. Arunda Data Recovery are happy to deal with clients throughout Andalucía, and further afield.

Address c/ San Juan Bosco, 9
29400 Ronda (Málaga)
Telephone 952 874 610 or 669 412 298
Email info@arunda-data-rec.es
Website www.arunda-data-rec.es

Ronda Dentists

Dentists in Ronda

Name Telephone Address Discipline
Adnan Darwish Afaneh 956 135 404 c/ Bosque, 33
Alcalá del Valle
Clínica Bucodental San José 952 874 475 c/ Sevilla, 53, 1º
Dentist and Orthodontics
Clínica Dental Center 952 875 136 Av Andalucía, 3 Bajo B
Marin Gallego, Antonio 952 870 851 Calvo asensio, 8 Bajo Dcha
Dentist and Orthdontist
Espinel Vásquez, Diolinda 952 190 460 c/ Lauría, 1, 2ºA
López Arrigoni, Mirta 952 877 188 c/ Padre Mariano Soubirón, 19 1ºA
Dentist, Orthodontist, Prosthetics
Clínica Dental Higea 952 871 796 Cte Salvador Carrasco, Bajo
Dentist and Orthodontist
García Asensio, Javier 952 914 055 c/ Francisco de Goya, 2 Loc 6
Clínica Dental Smile 952 161 214
952 161 215
c/ sevilla, 52
Dental Clinic
Clínica Villamor 952 161 044 c/ Sevilla, 73
Dental Clinic
Aesthetics (Botox, Laser)
Clínica Dentalcala 956 126 849 c/ Fredirico García Lorca
Alcala del Valle
Dental Clinic
Clínica Dr Gabriel Pardo 952 872 438 Carrera de Espinel
Clínicas Vital Dent 952 161 371 c/ Granada, 54-56
Dental Clinic
Corp Dental Abisal Grupo 952 161 131 c/ Jerez, 7 Bajo
Dental Clinic
Delgado Vázques, E. 952 875 266 c/ Cristo, 9
Dental Line. 952 870 200 Carrera Espinel, 103
Dental Clinic
Miramon López M. 952 875 964 c/ Torre Alhaquime, 2
Perl Gabriella 952 870 704 c/ Maria Cabrera
Salesi, Ballero, J. 952 870 987 Av Andalucía, 3
Vargas Dal-Santos, C.B. 952 878 837 Carrera de Espinel, 40

Ronda Doctors

Doctors, Medical Centres, and Hospitals in Ronda

Name Telephone Address Discipline
Carrillo Cueto, M.A. 952 878 621 c/ Carlos Cobo, 4
General Practitioner
Marín Lara, B. 952 878 754 c/ Jerez, 13
General Practitioner
Miramon Lopez, J. 952 874 367 c/ Cruz Verde, 18
General Practitioner
Rios Rodicio, F.J. 952 878 469 c/ San José, 2
General Practitioner
Zamudio Valiente, Juan 952 134 405 c/ San Benito, 7
Setenil de las Bodegas
General Practitioner
Corro Delgado, Jose 952 872 685 c/ Virgen de la Paz, 42 2ºC
Ignacio Garcia, Jose Maria 952 877 972 c/ Lauría, 1, 3ºB
Respiratory and Digestive
Diz Serrato, Julio 952 871 577 c/ Carlos Cobo, 4 Bajo
Moreno Rodriguez, Jose 952 877 237 Carrera de Espinel, 102, 1ºB
Crespo Riesco, J 952 876 583 Virgen de los Remedios, 22
Tronosco Grano de Oro, J.U. 952 875 230 Línea de la Concepción, 14
Gomez Cruz, Jose Luis 952 875 631 c/ Serrato, 2, 1ºA
Rodríguez Clavero, Isabel 952 874 144 c/ Pedro Romero, 11
Luengos Matilla, Cesar 952 878 464 c/ Pintor Jesús González de la Torre, 1
Ear, Nose and Throat
Campuzano Cano, J.A. 952 872 958 c/ Infantes, 1
Gonzalez Serrano, M.L. 952 878 329 c/ Virgen de los Delores, 16
Román Román, L.A. 952 871 512 Pza Concepción García Redondo Estación de Autobuses, 2
Acosta Patiño, H.C. 952 190 600 c/ Cruz Verde, 1
Figueroa Parra, J.A. 952 874 992 c/ Juan José de Puya, 4
Osmán Agha, G 952 872 072 Carrera de Espinel, 102
Centro Medico Al-Andalus 952 875 631 c/ Serrato, 2, 1ºA
Medical Centre
Clinica Arunda 952 874 303 c/ Ollerias, 19
Medical Centre
Centro de Salud de Alcala del Valle 956 128 877 Av Libertad
Medical Centre
Centro de Salud de Benaojan 952 167 374
952 167 393
c/ San Lucas
Medical Centre
Centro de Salud de Cuevas del Becerro 952 162 012 c/ Constitución
Cuevas del Becerro
Medical Centre
Centro de Salud de Ronda-Norte 902 505 060
952 169 403
c/ Espinillos
Medical Centre
Centro de Salud de Ronda-Sur (Santa Barbara) 902 505 060
952 169 369
c/ San Vicente de Paul
Medical Centre
Consultorio de Arriate 952 165 159 c/ Clara Camoamor
Medical Centre
Consultorio de Montecorto 952 169 566
952 169 567
c/ Antonio Machado
Medical Centre
Consultorio de Montejaque 952 168 129 c/ José López
Medical Centre
Consultorio de Serrato 952 162 199 c/ Cauce
Medical Centre
Consultorio de Setenil de las Bodegas 956 128 967 c/ Coronilla
Setenil de las Bodegas
Medical Centre
Hospital Comarcal Serranía 951 065 001
951 065 100
Ctra Ronda-El Burgo, km 1
Hospital (All Services including A&E)

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