Pretty much an idyllic afternoon – walking with delightful younger daughter and …

Pretty much an idyllic afternoon – walking with delightful younger daughter and well-behaved dog to Ronda from Benaoján. Cross-country route with no tarmac in sight until near the end. Less than three hours into the centre of Ronda. A light shower left the grey slabs of bare mountain looking like they were snow-covered in beautiful light. But then the sun shone and I was shown as being not as fit as I like to think I am….. but the scenery compensated for the pain of accepting reality. Horses, sheep, first asphodels of the spring – we saw 2 vans, one tractor and four other people until we got within a km or so of Ronda.

Could easily have stayed at home in front of a screen – but feel uplifted and pleasantly weary. Thanks Rosi – you are great company even when you are telling me improve my breathing techniques and to hold my stomach in.

Route now written up for any guests who want to follow in our footsteps.

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