Today we speak with Azzam, coordinator of the association Raíces, who work on the integration of immigrants into the community. Azzam is originally from Palestine and after many years living in other EU countries, he came and settled in Ronda in 2001. He began working with Raíces eight years ago and is talking to us today about the organisation and their gastronomic event.
What is Raíces? What does the association do?
Raíces is an association which aims for the integration of immigrants into the community of Ronda. In the association we offer FREE Spanish courses to people from Western Sahara and Morocco. We also work with a social worker from La Cruz Roja (The red cross) to provide legal advice to foreigners, if they have issues with things such as right of residency. We are quite a relaxed group, we don’t have official meetings but we meet up now and then to discuss different things and plan events.
What happens at the Gastronomic event?
We have 20 cooks at the event who…
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