Tag Archives: Moors

Ronda in the Kingdom of Granada

Discover the Rich History and Charm of Ronda, Spain

Visiting Ronda is like stepping back in time. This enchanting town, perched on a dramatic cliff, boasts a fascinating history that dates back to the time when it was part of the Kingdom of Granada. As you wander through its cobbled streets, you’ll discover remnants of its Moorish past, including the iconic Puente Nuevo bridge and the well-preserved Arab Baths. Whether you’re exploring the historic sites or simply enjoying the stunning views, Ronda offers a unique glimpse into the rich cultural tapestry of Andalusia.

The kingdom of Granada

By the middle of the 13th century the Almohads had lost most of their former possessions in Iberia to Castile, all that remained in 1238 was the Kingdom of Granada, of which Ronda was now an important capital. The first Nasrid Sultans of Granada managed to halt the first reconquista of Ferdinand I by promising fealty to Castile, and historical evidence confirms that until 1480 an annual payment of gold was made to the treasury of Castile.

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Moorish Ronda 711 till 1066

In 711 AD, an Arab prince named Musa Ben Nusayr conquered most of Iberia and parts of southern France for the Ummayad Caliphate. A captain in the Berber army, Zaide Ben Kesadi El Sebseki, realising the importance of Ronda as a fortress managed to negotiate a peaceful surrender of the city in August of that year, and henceforth Ronda was known as Izn-Rand Onda which in the Arabic of the day meant “City of the Castle”, and became capital of the Cora of Takurunna of the Córdoba Emirate. Continue reading Moorish Ronda 711 till 1066

Almoravid and Almohad Reign in Ronda

By 1085 the Christian armies of the North under Alfonso VI had retaken Madrid and crushed a Moorish army at Toledo, the first major city to fall in the reconquest of Spain. Fearing that the Taifa’s would be powerless to stop their onslaught, the kings sent emissaries to the Almoravid clans of North Africa pleading for their intervention. Continue reading Almoravid and Almohad Reign in Ronda