Visitors to Ronda find the city to be a wonderful location from which to explore the rest of Andalucia, and the Axarquía coast is within reach if you like road trips! (i.e. its quite a long way!) Most people go to Nerja in order to visit the Nerja Caves.
Nerja is one of the gems of the south coast of Spain. It is about 40 minutes drive from Malaga, not much more from Malaga airport, and from Ronda about 2.5 to 3 hours. There and back it’s quite a long drive so we would recommend staying overnight or a couple of days to really explore the town and all it has to offer.
Continue reading A Daytrip to Nerja from RondaI’ve been living in this lovely area of Western Andalucia for the last 20 years or so and dedicate most of my time to the running of English language tourist information websites for the towns of Cádiz, Ronda, Grazalema, the famous or infamous Caminito del Rey, and also Wildside Holidays, which promotes sustainable and eco-friendly businesses running wildlife and walking holidays in Spain. My articles contain affiliate links that will help you reserve a hotel, bus, train or activity in the area. You don’t pay more, but by using them you do support this website. Thankyou!