Tag Archives: Aprende Ingles

Gemini Courses, Learn English Abroad

A local entrepreneur, Sarah Spencer, who has worked for one of the biggest English language agencies in the UK recently met with Ronda Today for an interview about how she can help Rondeños find English academies in England, Ireland, Canada, the US, in fact any country where English is the native language Sarah can help with.

Sarah moved to Spain two years ago and started learning Spanish, even going to an intensive Spanish class in Granada and staying with a host family who are now good friends so that she could understand what Rondeños feel when they study in English speaking countries.

Sarah’s website www.geminicourses.com provides information for Spanish people who want to study abroad with a beca (grant) from MEC/MEPSYD (Spanish government department of education), and Gemini Courses is already getting ready for 2011 as well and it is never too early to register your place.

Intensive English courses in an English speaking country are very popular with Spaniards who like learning English and believe that they learn better abroad, coining the phrase ‘inglés en el extranjero‘, full immersion in a language is always better than learning with an academy in Spain or from a private professor.

Gemini Courses is well known by English schools in English speaking countries because Sarah knows the directors of the schools and also knows the best course or school for students. She is able to recommend schools that offer general English, intensive courses, IELTS, TOEFL & Cambridge Exam preparation courses, and English for Business.

Aside from recommending schools and courses, Sarah and Gemini Courses also liaise with schools to make sure students from Ronda are placed with the best host families who will help Rondeños feel at home when studying abroad.

We asked Sarah where the most popular destinations are for intensive English courses, and in order of most popular they are Dublin, New York, Cambridge, Malta, and London. In a quick poll of students at the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas students confirmed that Ireland and New York are the two places most Rondeños would choose.

All of the schools recommended by Gemini Courses are professional schools that have been teaching English for many years. Students do a placement exam when they first arrive, but this is only to test their knowledge of English and determine which class they go to.

Rondeños planning to study abroad should read the Gemini Courses website for ingles en el extranjero, try to read it in English, but if this is difficult, Sarah’s website has also been translated into Castellano and Sarah will be happy to communicate in English or Spanish with any student.

No hay mejor momento para estudiar inglés en el extranjero

Con toda la situación del sistema económico, estaríamos perdonados por pensar que viajar y estudiar en el extranjero es actualmente imposible. Pero en Gemini Courses pensamos sinceramente que este no es el caso.

Si usted se pregunta cómo mejorar sus perspectivas, ampliar sus horizontes y hacer algo positivo por su futuro,estudiar inglés en el extranjero es una gran respuesta. Con el valor actual de la libra comparada al euro, el coste de vida en Reino Unido nunca ha sido más barato. Así como los cursos de inglés, el viaje, el alojamiento y los costes diarios de la vida. ¡Ahora es el momento perfecto para ir a RU para completar el curso de inglés que usted siempre ha querido hacer!

Además, hoy en día, primero la globalización y luego la crisis candente, han abaratado increíblemente los medios de transporte, lo cual ha facilitado la movilidad en todos los sentidos. Así, el viaje y el turismo en general, han pasado de ser un bien de lujo a ser un bien al alcance de la mano.
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