Fallow deer rut - La Ronca del Gamo in Ronda

Fallow deer rut – La Ronca del Gamo – Cortijo Las Navas de los Pinsapos, Parauta

From 19th September to 4th October The Cortijo Las Navas de los Pinsapos in the village of Parauta just a few miles from Ronda will be opening their estate for the annual fallow deer rutting season.

You can witness first hand the fascinating mating ritual of thees deer in their natural environment. Listen to the deep groaning call of the males as they try to entice the females and do battle with the competition to prove their strength and genetic superiority…

  • Price per person 30€
  • Price per person including overnight hammock and breakfast 50€

The event starts with a walking tour at the finca Cortijo La Nava de los Pinsapos, where you will learn about the land and its stunning wildlife.

The tour stops for a while at the log cabin in the woods “La Morada” where you can enjoy a great meal in a family environment.

The food is locally sourced and provides a truly sustainable experience.

After dinner the tour continues in the cool of the night air whilst you listen for the sounds of the fallow deer.

For the more daring guests you can sleep overnight in a hammock and really experience the Andalucian countryside at night. This also includes a typical countryside breakfast in the morning.

For more information contact 600 38 63 93 and see the website and facebook page.

Website: https://www.actividadesensierradelasnieves.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Actividades-en-Sierra-de-las-Nieves-102083054878528/

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