UPDATE 09:52 – 15/05/2020
So, It’s been 2 months now in lockdown and its odd but people seem to have found a rythm and way of coping I suppose. The town of Ronda is still in “phase 0” of lockdown because it is in the province of Málaga. Málaga has had more cases so is lagging behind… We are hoping that next week it will move to “phase 1”. This will mean that some bars and restaurants will be open for customers (albeit incredibly restricted service.) I think that “Phase 4” is still a long way off but we shall see!
There is an interesting article over at the Grazalema Guide (click here) about how websites like mine will survive into the future…
UPDATE 12:05 – 06/04/2020
Well we are still in lockdown here in Ronda… It has been 3 weeks now and we have been told by the government that it will be at least 3 weeks more!!! I hope that wherever you are you are staying safe and hope that your visit to Ronda will happen soon!
UPDATE 09:50 27/03/20202
Well, we have been in lockdown now for almost 2 weeks…. A nationwide 15-day state of emergency was first announced on March 14th and it bars people from leaving home except for essential outings like buying food or seeking medical care.
The emergency has now been extended for another 15 days taking us to the 11th of April…
This of course means that any Easter celebrations are cancelled. (many organisations have already announced that)
UPDATE 20:03 14/03/2020
Ronda is pretty much closed now for the next two weeks. This includes, bars, many shops and museums etc…. The state of emergency has been declared and people have been told to stay at home and not to go out unless it is very neccesary…..
If you have plans to travel to this area please contact your hotel or travel coordinator if you have one….
UPDATE 17:01 13/03/2020
The Spanish government have declared a state of emergency starting tomorrow Saturday 14 March 2020.
Travel will be severely restricted for the next 2 weeks at least.
The measures that are included under a state of alarm in Spain include: limiting the circulation or the presence of persons or vehicles at certain times and in certain places; the temporary requisition of any kind of asset; the intervention of, and transitory occupation of, industries, factories, workshops, operations or commercial premises of any kind, with the exception of private households; the limiting or rationing of the use of services or the consumption of essential items; and the issuing of necessary orders in order to ensure supply to markets and the functioning of services in production centers for essential products.
UPDATE 13:35 13/03/2020
The town hall of Ronda has announced that all monuments will be closed until the 1st of April 2020. This includes, the tourist office, Mondragon museum, Arab baths, museum puente nuevo etc.
We can pretty much assume that ALL monuments are closed in the town of Ronda.
UPDATE 11:00AM 13/03/2020
All councils in the villages and towns around the Ronda area have now anounced closures of public buildings, parks etc… All upcoming events have been either postponed or cancelled.
As of today (13/03/2020) there are now two confirmed cases of Coronvirus (Covid-19) in Ronda. One is a US visitor who is currently in isolation in the Ronda hospital and another, a teacher from a Ronda school who recently returned from a holiday in Italy. Details in Spanish here…
The town hall of Ronda yesterday closed all public buildings, parks etc and from Monday 16th of March all schools will be closed in Andalucia. All town halls have also issued similar decrees with cancelations of events, closure of public buildings etc.
If you are planning to visit Ronda in the coming weeks, please check with your hotel or tour provider as they will be able to give you current information.
On the World Health Organization website you can find information and guidance regarding the current outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) that was first reported from Wuhan, China, on 31 December 2019. Please visit the WHO page for daily updates.
I’ve been living in this lovely area of Western Andalucia for the last 20 years or so and dedicate most of my time to the running of English language tourist information websites for the towns of Cádiz, Ronda, Grazalema, the famous or infamous Caminito del Rey, and also Wildside Holidays, which promotes sustainable and eco-friendly businesses running wildlife and walking holidays in Spain. My articles contain affiliate links that will help you reserve a hotel, bus, train or activity in the area. You don’t pay more, but by using them you do support this website. Thankyou!