Major annual events that occur in Ronda are listed below. If you know of an event not featured on this page please contact us with more details so that we can give your event the exposure it deserves. All dates below are for 2009.
Three Kings Day
Date: 5th January
Where: Three Kings Parade starts on Avenida de la Legion (Calle Sevilla) and winds down past the railway station then turns to La Bola (Carrera Espinel) before heading down to Plaza d’España.
Date: Last week of February
Where: Alameda Park and the Ronda Fairgrounds, a circus usually comes to town as well as numerous attractions for children.
Andalucia Day (Dia de Andalucia)
Date: 28th February
Legion 101km Bicycle and Running Endurance Race
Date: 20th and 21st March
Semana Santa (Easter Holy Week)
Date: 5th to 12th April
May Day
Primero de Mayo – public holiday in Ronda, also day of first Communion for many children
Date: 1st May
Procession of Our Lady of Peace, the Virgin Mary, Ronda’s Patron Saint
Date: 10th May
Where: From Plaza Duquesa de Parcent, into El Mercadillo.
Spanish Legion 101km 24 Hour Cycling Race
Date: 16th and 17th May
Where: From Ronda into Serranía, returns to Alameda Park.
Virgen de la Cabeza Romería
Date: 6th and 7th June
Where: From Santa Maria la Mayor to the cave church Virgen de la Cabeza.
Corpus Christi
Date: 14th June (8th Sunday after Easter)
Where: Procession of Christian images around Ronda.
Moors and Christians Festival, Benalauria
Date: 4th and 5th August
Where: Benalauria village south of Ronda
XLI Flamenco Competition and Festival
Date: 22nd August
Where: El Castillo in Ronda’s old town
XXXVI International Folklore Gala
Date: 28th August until 3rd September
Where: Blas Infante Auditorium
Feria Goyesca de Pedro Romero
Date: 1st week September
Where: Ronda Fairgrounds
Corrida Goyesca
Date: 5th September
Where: Plaza del Toros (bullring)
Real Feria de San Francisco
Date: 1st weekend in October
Where: Rueda Alameda in Barrio San Francisco
Christmas Day (Dia de Navidad)
Date: 25th December
Dia de los Santos Inocentes
Date: 28th December
Similar to April Fools Days
I’ve been living in this lovely area of Western Andalucia for the last 20 years or so and dedicate most of my time to the running of English language tourist information websites for the towns of Cádiz, Ronda, Grazalema, the famous or infamous Caminito del Rey, and also Wildside Holidays, which promotes sustainable and eco-friendly businesses running wildlife and walking holidays in Spain. My articles contain affiliate links that will help you reserve a hotel, bus, train or activity in the area. You don’t pay more, but by using them you do support this website. Thankyou!