“As dusk falls, wrought iron lamps light the narrow streets and tapas restaurant tables spill out onto the pavements. It’s just magical.” Read the whole post by On the Luce about our city! Nice one! http://www.ontheluce.com/2016/08/18/romance-ronda-andalusia-spain/ #ronda #entrelenguas #studyabroad
The romance of Ronda, Spain – On the Luce travel blog
A romantic break in the Andalusian mountain town of Ronda in southern Spain, a spectacular setting on the clifftop overlooking the dramatic El Tajo gorge.
Facebook Entrelenguas language school
I’ve been living in this lovely area of Western Andalucia for the last 20 years or so and dedicate most of my time to the running of English language tourist information websites for the towns of Cádiz, Ronda, Grazalema, the famous or infamous Caminito del Rey, and also Wildside Holidays, which promotes sustainable and eco-friendly businesses running wildlife and walking holidays in Spain. My articles contain affiliate links that will help you reserve a hotel, bus, train or activity in the area. You don’t pay more, but by using them you do support this website. Thankyou!