Christmas holiday at Parador Ronda, Spain

Christmas holidays in Ronda and the Sierra de Grazalema

Christmas is a wonderful time to spend with family and friends. So, why not spend it here in Ronda and explore the amazing scenery of the Sierra de Grazalema at the same time?

Hotel offers are running now at so don’t leave it to the last minute!…

The day that officially marks the start of Christmas time festivities here in Ronda (and Spain in general) is December 22, when the Christmas Lottery raffle takes place… “El Gordo” is a dream of many people in Spain but there is more to come including “Noche Buena” on the 24th and a traditional day when families get together and eat, eat, eat… December 25 is more of a relaxing day and not a day for exchanging presents…. New Year’s Eve is the day when Spanish and Andalusian traditions are felt the most. Among the ones that undoubtedly stand out, the “Good-Luck- Grapes” that consist of eating twelve grapes one by one, as the clock strikes the year’s last twelve seconds. As soon as you finish (if you finish, as it is harder than it sounds!) The party really starts…

So date wise you need to arrive around the 22nd for a Christmas week and around the 31st for news years celebrations…. Use the booking box on the right to get the latest hotel deals in Ronda…The Weather is normally cold and sunny but sometimes we even get a sprinkling of snow!

The day that pretty much ends the celebrations here in Ronda is, at the same time, the most awaited by children and adults alike since it is on January 6 that we give and receive presents brought by the Magi or the Three Kings. The spectacular “Cabalgata de Los Reyes Magos” (the Procession of the Magi) takes place on the evening of January 5, when the colourful and magical procession passes through the streets of Ronda with the three Kings and their helpers throw tens of thousands of sweets and caramels at (to) the people lining the streets.

Famous parades are also held in nearby Huelva and Seville with Huelva’s Cabalgata de la Higuera de la Sierra being the 2nd oldest procession in Spain, and it has been given The parade of Seville has been celebrated every year since 191

If you have already visited the Ronda and Grazalema areas you will surely want to come back again and Christmas is the perfect time… (The Sierra de Grazalema) (tourist info for Ronda in Andalucia) (tourist info for the Caminito del Rey) (walking and activity holidays in Spain)

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